Based on human-centered design principles, service design, and creative placemaking techniques, MSS, in collaboration with Patrick Quattlebaum, CEO, Harmonic Design, and the visionary leadership of Richland Library Executive Director Melanie Huggins, generated a revolutionary methodology to create inclusive learning experiences. Library as Studio is a 21st century facilities framework to support activities and programs to result in feelings and outcomes to build community wealth. With a flexible framework of placemaking components, Library as Studio is an adaptable, community responsive approach that informs the design of the facilities, as well as their ongoing activation and adaptation through placekeeping. Tailored to community needs and aspirations, Library as Studio supports all learners, makers, and creative entrepreneurs to create customized learning journeys in places where: artists and thinkers work, problems are solved, ideas are explored, talents are practiced, risks are taken, passions are uncovered, and innovations happen. LAS has positioned Richland Library as an inclusive community economic development engine, leading Columbia’s creative economy, and introducing the nation to facilities designed for social justice and social impact.
The MSS process-driven approach prepared our staff and our community to be an active, next generation library where all styles of learners have a place!